Mini Symposium Future Fibres
Brengt onderzoekers, industriële partners en publiek samen om microplasticvervuiling tijdens wassen van textiel te onderzoeken

UvA’s research team SISTEM-NL explores the growing issue of microplastic pollution caused by microfibers released during the washing of textiles, a significant contributor to microplastics in our water. By combining scientific analysis with public engagement, this project aims to estimate microfiber emission in the Netherlands while testing the effectiveness of ‘Citizen Science’ as a tool to address microplastic pollution. Everyone can support this project by doing their laundry for free in SustainaLab and by filling out a questionnaire on their awareness of the issue and their willingness to adopt measures to decrease their microfiber emissions. SISTEM-NL is looking for industry partners to (co-)finance and collaborate on the project, and thereby foster meaningful change for ‘Future Fibres’.
During the event, the research team of SISTEM-NL will present the research project; discussing preliminary results regarding microfibre release and environmentalist identity of past participants, the upcoming citizen science study, and future goals of the project. This pitch will also include a demonstration of the microplastic filter. Next, current partners will take the stage to talk about their current collaboration efforts and where our common interests and goals align.
Subsequently, there will be interactive sessions between you and the research team, providing an opportunity for you to pitch your interests, goals and wishes concerning future fibres, in which we can uncover where our interests align and explore collaboration opportunities. The event will conclude with networking drinks.
Are you interested in joining this event and would you like to contribute to shaping the future of fibres? Sign up via the link!
Praktische informatie
📍 Datum & Locatie: Maandag 17 maart 2025, 13.00-17.00 uur (inclusief netwerkborrel).
Aanmelden via forms.
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SustainaLab vormt een ecosysteem gericht op integrale duurzame ontwikkeling. Vanuit de wetenschappelijke basis van de Universiteit van Amsterdam maakt SustainaLab kruisbestuiving mogelijk tussen bedrijven, overheden, NGO’s, burgers en de academische wereld.