Pleun Pijnenburg

Circulaire kostuums & maatkleding

Pleun Peijnenburg collectie

Pleun Pijnenburg is een atelier waar kostuums en maatkleding op een circulaire manier worden gemaakt.

We are a dutch label focusing on circular costumes and fashion. Our designs are both a protest and an artistic statement agains the indecent fast fashion industry. Instead of big production we opt for unique,responsible and timeless designs where craft and tailorship are exuberantly present. We hope everybody feels welcome to come celebrate our circular shapes with us.

Our studio is located at the beautiful green Hof van Cartesius. Together with many other entrepreneurs we work here on the transition towards a circular economy and a healthy future for our next generations. In our atelier we explore the opportunities of responsible and circular design. We strive to be respectful to our environment and happily encourage our customers to be a conscious consumer while looking authentic, timeless and spectacular at the same time. 

We envision a future in which we have a sustainable and loving relationship with our clothes. By involving our customers in the process of making our unique designs, we encourage them to create an emotional connection with their garments. Tailorship will ensure great comfort and fit so that the garment stays with them for a long time.

Wil je meer informatie?

Pleun Pijnenburg
06 81 97 15 42
LinkedIn: Pleun Pijnenburg


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