
Korte intro

Since 2023 Volume is a collaboration between Archis and Nieuwe Instituut.

Archis has a long running experience in publishing the various incarnations of Volume magazine. In which various editorial concepts and publishing formats have been realized over the years. For 75 years, Archis magazine and its predecessors have been investigating the realities of architecture.

In doing so the magazine has gradually changed its rationale: not just presenting what happened in the built environment, not just presenting how things were made, not just creating exposure to the people who did it. Rather than asking what, how and by whom, Archis has always asked the ultimate question to the raison d’être of architecture as a medium of culture: Why?
Archis collaborates with a wide range of (international) institutes, companies and organizations related to design and architecture. We are always interested in enhancing and expanding our scope and range of projects, so please feel free to contact us with your proposals and ideas, for instance for inserts, exhibitions and other (digital) media formats.

Wil je meer informatie?

Stephan Petermann


Logo Week van de Circulaire Economie
Logo Week van de Circulaire Economie

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