Amsterdam House of Arts﹠Crafts

Environmentally responsible crafting

house crafts repair

Amsterdam House of Arts & Crafts is a unique place in the heart of the city where creativity can flourish. We offer workshops and courses in shoe About and bag design, painting, clay sculpting, mosaic, acrylic pouring, and more, providing ample opportunities for artistic exploration and skill development. Additionally, we organize upcycling workshops for fabrics, leather, and other materials, fostering a commitment to environmental responsibility in our artistic endeavors.

Isabel Wolfs Bio

Isabel Wolfs is a designer that specialises in sportswear, streetwear and footwear. What drives her most is her fascination for materials and techniques. She is trained as both maker and designer, therefore her creative process starts with researching a product’s technical details, while remaining highly conscious of its impact. Taken together with her love for nature and sports, her approach to design prioritises quality and sustainability.

These personal interests are reflected in Studio Wolfs, which explores experimental research design that challenges our perceptions of products. The studio focuses on product design through material research and craftsmanship, with a particular dedication to upcycling and sustainability. The goal of Studio Wolfs is to emphasise that we should reconsider how we make and value products from a long- term instead of a short-term perspective, by presenting the materials and elements in a different light.

Sarah Barchichat Bio

As an emerging figure in the world of fiber artistry, Sarah Barchichat is distinguished by her commitment to a playful and timeless flair. With over 20 years of experience as a vintage collector, she brings a wealth of knowledge to her craft.

Proficient in crochet and textile design, Sarah skillfully weaves together intricate patterns and textures in her bespoke bags, utilizing exclusively recycled or natural fibers to infuse each piece with a unique charm. Her artistic palette, thoughtfully curated, transforms everyday items into expressive artifacts. Beyond traditional confines, Sarah is an avid student of craftsmanship, on a journey of continual refinement. In her hands, each creation becomes a testament to a fusion of history, innovation, and artistic mastery, elevating the essence of luxury.

More information?

Esther van Schagen
06 12 34 56 78


Amsterdam House of Arts & Crafts
House Crafts meding

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